Are you the owner of a large enterprise that could not function without efficient computer equipment? Need to securely and permanently erase data from all your corporate hard drives? You've come to the right place! See our proprietary WIPERBOX - a mini server whose capabilities will meet all the expectations of companies that want to focus their attention on information security. The device allows you to mass erase data from multiple drives at the same time. WIPERBOX is small and light - you can easily put it in a backpack or briefcase. The permanent data erase device offers unparalleled performance, thus ensuring that information can be erased wherever it is needed. Our WIPERBOX hardware platform was built from scratch and reported to the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland! Check how many disks you can erase data!
The use of solutions based on network access is not always possible. We are aware that places with an increased level of security require you to disconnect from the network. For this reason, our WIPERBOX solution for permanently erasing data from hard drives can, if necessary, create its own internal and completely secure network that is not connected to the outside world in any way.
You must know that in some cases even the physical destruction of the carrier will not protect against access to data by unauthorized persons. Deleting data by overwriting is the most effective method of protecting your company's information. WIPERBOX is a great solution for all companies that want to delete data from a very large number (250+) of computers at the same time. Our software will work in corporations, schools, offices or companies selling used computer devices.
Devices support:
Certified data erasure:
Drive detection:
In order to maintain the privacy policy and data integrity and to eliminate attempts to abuse the system, it is recommended to implement the system in the topology of network connections, as shown in the attached diagram